The Design Has Changed, But Everything Else Stays The Same

The Cutting Edge 2021 scientific conference design was prepared by the master students at the course Integration of Design and Technology, Graphic and Interactive Communications, Department of Textiles, graphics and design, UL NTF (2019/2020).

Celostna grafična podoba za znanstveno konferenco Cutting Edge 2021 so pripravile študentke magistrskega študija Grafičnih in interaktivnih komunikacij, Oddelka za tekstilstvo, grafiko in oblikovanje, UL NTF, pri predmetu Integracija oblikovanja in tehnologije (2019/2020).

Paola Blašković
Maja Ferjanc
Aja Knific Košir

Mentorja/Mentors: doc. dr. Nace Pušnik in asist. dr. Gregor Franken